Non surgical hair Loss treatment

Healthy hairs are like a crown on a healthy body. A head full of hair reflects a confident personality of an individual. At a given time, 90 per cent of the hair on the scalp is in its growing stage. Hair loss or growth is not a matter of fate. There are many reasons for hair loss like pollution, heredity, nutritional deficiency and climate changes. People are experiencing hair fall and searching for reliable hair loss treatments. 

There are two types of treatments to control hair loss. One is surgical hair loss treatment(Hair transplant) and other is non-surgical hair loss treatment. People start losing hairs in their twenties and the change in their appearance can cause a concern, stress and even depression. In early age hair loss, it is always better to opt for non-surgical hair loss treatment. Hair transplant is not appropriate for young age hair loss. The current practice of leading experts is to delay hair transplant by stabilizing hair loss using non-surgical hair treatments.

Non Surgical hair loss treatments:

With the hair transplant, you won't end up with more hairs. You may need more surgeries which may cost you a bundle. New treatments have been introduced in last few years to regrow lost hair from male pattern baldness. You can opt for a medication for controlling hair loss or can opt PRP hair loss treatment.

Medical hair loss treatment:
Hair loss may slow or hair growth can be stimulated with medical hair loss treatment. finasteride (Propecia®) and minoxidil (Rogaine®) are two medicines approved by FDA for controlling hair loss.

PRP hair treatment:
PRP is platelet-rich plasma. To make PRP, your doctor will take your blood and spin it to extract the platelet-rich plasma. Platelet has a protein that stimulates hair growth and wound healing. It is the most reliable and safest method as it uses individual own blood and causes no reaction.

Before opting for ant hair loss treatment you should concern the doctor and consult which treatment is best suited for you.

How much does a hair transplant cost?

Wondering about hair transplant cost? It is the most important factor in deciding to undergo the procedure. Hair Transplant cost varies from country to country, city to city. The significant cost of hair transplant is the combination of different costs like Consultation fee, surgeon fee, the actual graft cost and Anaesthesia Fees. Hair transplant is a very famous technique for hair restoration nowadays and in India, clinics provide many discount and offer. You can opt for the free consultation and can get the quote for your hair. Easy financing option is also available. There are many factors that contribute to estimating the cost of the process.

1. Level of Baldness
Every person who comes for transplantation has a different level of baldness. During the consultation session, they will check your level and find out the area to be covered. Depending on the area the amount of work is estimated and so the cost.

2. Type of technology
There are different technology or method of transplant like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Depending on the method the cost is decided.
3.Number of graft needed
 Each patient has some expectations from the hair transplant. What kind of hair they want i.e hair density and the hairline. Depending on that number of grafts will be estimated. More the number of graft more will be the cost.

4. Surgeon fee:
Surgeon fee depends upon the surgeon skill level. Inexperienced surgeon charge less than those who are expert and experienced.

5. A number of sessions:
Sometime transplantation require multiple session. depending on the number of sessions the cost will be constructed.

Home remedies for hair growth

Every one of us wants long, shiny and beautiful hair. We always search for tips to grow our hair fast. If you want to regrow your hair or want to improve the health of hair, here are some home remedies used for hair growth.

1. Massage:
Massaging your scalp will improve the blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. You can use oil to massage your hair. It also good for relieving stress and tension. Massage your hair daily for improving hair thickness.
2. Aloe vera:
Aloe vera is an ultimate product for hair and skin. Alovera will soothe your hair and scalp. It works well for dandruff. It unblocks the blocked hair follicles.
3.Onion Juice: 
It is the most old remedy used for hair growth.onion is a good source of sulfur which increases collagen production her hair growth. If you bear the smell of onion apply it once a week for 15 min for desired result.
4. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil contains potassium which is good for the health of scalp and hair growth. It reduce hair breakage, dandruff and hair loss. It is a natural hair conditioner. It is advised to apply coconut hair oil twice a week after washing the hair.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar: 
Apple cider vinegar cleanses the scalp and maintain the ph value of the hair and accelerate hair growth. Rinse your hair with the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water every time you wash your hair
6. Green Tea: 
Green tea contains antioxidants in it. Take a green tea bag, soak it in warm water and apply on your hair and then rinse with water. It will improve hair growth.
7. Henna Pack: 
Henna acts as a natural hair conditioner and transforms dull hair into the shiny hair. Apply Henna pack every month to improve your hair texture.
8. Egg pack:
Eggs are rich in protein, zinc, sulfur, and iodine. Add olive oil and honey with egg and make a paste and apply on your hair. Leave it for 20 mins and rinse. This will add shine to your hair, improve hair texture and reduce hair fall.

Bottom Line:
The Hair growth is directly linked to your lifestyle. The best way to reduce hair fall is to eat healthy. Be sure to have a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Consult a doctor if you are facing heavy hair fall. There are many Hair Loss treatment clinics which provide complete solutions to your hair problem.  

Factors That Contribute to Success Of Hair Transplant

Anyone opting for a hair transplant is concerned with its success. It is the most obvious question during the consultation that whether the surgery succeed. Hair transplantation is a big decision as it involves both emotional and financial aspect in it. There are some factors that contribute to its success.

1. Hair Follicles:
One of the important factors is the number of the hair follicle and its quality. During follicle extraction, the area of extraction (donor area) should be tested and the quality and viability of the hair should be examined.

2. Surgeons:
 If you want a good quality result. Go for an experienced surgeon. It is rightly said practice makes a man perfect. The grafts should be implanted accurately. Search for the well-experienced doctor.

3. Aftercare Hair transplant:
The aftercare is also very important as the hair transplant surgery. Post hair transplant your doctor provide you some instruction to follow. Follow these do's and don'ts for success.

4. Understand the fact
It takes time to fully grow the hair. Generally, 12 month is the appropriate time to consider the success. Don't Panic and stress yourself. Wait for the right time.

You don't need to stress your self regarding the success of transplantation if you have researched of best hair transplant clinic and the experienced Surgeon.  

How to choose Best Hair Transplant Clinic

Hairs are one very important feature of everyone personality. If you are facing hair loss and deciding to go for a Hair Transplant. The one of most important question came to mind is how to find a right hair transplant clinic. Here are the factors you should consider:

Hair transplant Clinic in Mumbai


Hair Transplant clinic1. Do they provide consultation before Surgery
Hair Fall is natural to some extent but sometimes the person thinks that the only solution to his hair loss is Hair Transplant. So proper consultation is important while he actually needs the process or some other treatment can work for him.

Hair loss clinic
2.Experienced Surgeon
Another factor is the physician and surgeon working in the clinic. How much experience they have will assure you the quality result. Check do they specialize in hair transplantation? 

Hair transplant 

3. Check for before and after photos
Before and after photos shows the quality work they have achieved. So do check for the gallery of before and after photos.

4. Past customer and their experience
Go through their past customer and their experience. Search for clinic reviews and decide whether it is worth choosing or not.

5. Consider the cost
Consider the treatment cost. Go for the quality result not for cheap and poor quality transplantation.

These are the factors to consider in choosing the best hair transplant clinic. If you are looking for a hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, kabera global provides you best result in hair loss treatment in Andheri, Dadar, and Vashi.

Hair Transplant After Care

Hair transplant or surgical hair restoration is a procedure in which hair follicles from a part of the body, referred to as the ‘donor site’, is transferred to a bald or balding part of the body called the ‘recipient site’.Go for a hair transplantation clinic who gives you best post hair transplant service along with hair transplant. Done with your Hair Transplant. Here are the things you need to do post-surgery. have someone with you post surgery to drive you back home because hair transplant is a surgical process uses an anesthetic sedative to relieve the pain
2. do keep your scalp dry and clean.
3 Follow instructions given by surgeon.
4. Ask to recommend shampoo and hair product to use 
5. Visit your hair transplant clinic after two days to remove any bandage.
6. Do hand wash your head instead of putting your head directly below the shower.
7. Use an ice pack to reduce bleeding and swelling during the first week.
8. don't expose to direct sunlight immediately after hair transplant 
9. Don't smoke and drink for a week at least a week.
10. Avoid weight lifting.

Choose best hair transplantation clinic to have the quality result. Kabera Global provides you best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, Chandigarh and in pan India.

Loosing hair!! Here are some do's and don'ts for preventing Hair loss

Hair fall is common in men and women if you losing up to 100 hairs a day. Hair loss is defined as the hair fall that doesn't grow back which leads to baldness. Baldness has only one solution that is a hair transplant. We cannot avoid hair loss completely but we can follow some do's and don't to prevent hair fall. Here I am going to discuss some.

1. Wash and condition your hair regularly:
To prevent hair loss one must clean his hair on regular bases and condition them to avoid frizz hence hair fall
2. Eat Healthy:
Hair is made up of protein so eat protein, iron-rich food. Eat Healthy and have healthy hair.
3. Keep Yourself hydrated:
Water is essential for our body. Keep yourself hydrated. It helps in hair growth.
4. Brush your hair gently:
Don't be harsh with your hair. Never comb wet hair. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair.
5. Manage your stress:
Stress leads to hair fall. Live a stress-free life. Say bye to stress and hair loss problem

1. Don't comb your hair too frequent
Combing your hair frequently will break your hair more. Although combing will increase blood flow to your scalp but frequent hair comb increasing hair breakage. You can instead use a finger comb.
2. Choose your Hairstyle wisely:
Don't choose a hairstyle that creates pressure on your hair like a tight ponytail, high bun etc.
3. Avoid Smoking:
Smoking and drinking always have an adverse effect on health and so on hairs.
4. Don't overdo the chemical treatment:
Chemical treatment like rebounding, perming and smoothening effects the hair texture and make them weak. Chemical treatments burn the scalp causing the hair follicle to shrink.
5. Don't overuse heat tool:
Anything in excess is a damage. Use a heat protector before using a heat tool.

 Hair Transplant clinic provide you hair treatments for your hair loss in affordable price. Easy EMI payment options for hair transplant are available nowadays.

Non surgical hair Loss treatment

Healthy hairs are like a crown on a healthy body. A head full of hair reflects a confident personality of an individual. At a given time, ...